naturenudistnud (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Daily Nude Walk Turns Into Embarrassing Moment |
My most embarrassing nude moment came on a hot August night last summer. During the summer months I will take a 2-mile walk from 2-4 am completely nude, from head to toe. I always figured that everyone would be asleep during that time and I was always correct except for that one evening. Much to my surprise, a widow who had been a friend of my parents since I was in elementary school, spotted me. Apparently, she could not sleep and decided to sit in her front yard and star gaze. To her surprise and mine, she had a lot more to gaze upon, namely, my naked body. She called out to me by name and asked if I forgot to put on clothes. I froze and could not move; I realized that it was too late to run; she had seen everything. She told me that she almost did not recognize me due to my nudity. I told her that I was a nudist and enjoyed my au naturel walks. Fortunately, she was open minded and advised me to be more careful; if someone else had spotted me I could have faced bad consequences. I thanked her for her open attitude and she thanked me for an interesting evening. Overall, I was very fortunate.
Nature/Nude |